My name is Fátima Andaluz and I am a motion design and After Effects teacher.
I am certified by Adobe as Adobe Certified Professional in Visual Effects & Motion Graphics Using Adobe After Effects, and as Adobe Creative Educator.
I specialize in the area of 2D motion graphics, and have animated projects for advertising agencies such as McCann WorldGroup, and for clients such as Mastercard, Pfizer, The Coca-Cola Company, Entel Peru, etc. My personal work is mainly inspired by japanese animation, and my passion is teaching and creating educational content that inspires people to animate.
I am currently studying a Master of Arts in Education at the University of Bath. I have been teaching digital animation at the Faculty of Art and Design of the PUCP since July 2023. Besides, since July 2023 I also teach motion design and digital illustration in the graphic design career at the School of Art and Design Corriente Alterna. From 2020 to 2024 I taught motion graphics part-time at Toulouse Lautrec. You can have a glimpse of the work of my (frankly amazing!) students, over here.
In my free time I enjoy drawing, practicing languages, playing video games -gamification in education is an area of interest of mine as well-, and creating educational content online: I upload tutorials on animation and After Effects via my YouTube channel.
Do you have any questions about my live classes? A workshop request? Want to stop by and say hello? Don't hesitate to write me! I will get back to you as soon as possible.